Orkney Roofing + Waterproofing offer a range of flat roofing and decking products from New Zealand’s leading suppliers. We are experts in the roofing and waterproofing fields and work closely with building owners, builders, developers, architects and homeowners to find the right system to match the requirements for every flat roof design.
Orkney Roofing + Waterproofing have in-house Quality Assurance (QA) procedures on top of each supplier's strict installation and QA requirements.
You can rest assured that we only work with the best roofing and waterproofing systems and suppliers in NZ.

Enviroclad TPO

Photo Credit: Viking RoofSpec

Photo Credit: Viking RoofSpec

Photo Credit: Viking RoofSpec

Photo Credit: Viking RoofSpec
TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin) is a waterproofing membrane which possesses all the necessary attributes of a world-class system from waterproofing, aesthetic and environmental perspectives.
Orkney Roofing + Waterproofing are very experienced applicators of Viking products in addition to Equus and Nuralite products). Enviroclad offers absolute watertight integrity for low-slope roofs.
Enviroclad TPO Benefits
Absolute watertight integrity.
Enviroclad TPO can be used for a new roof or re-roof, and can be installed on concrete, ply or various other substrates, including SIP panels. There is also a fleeceback option for re-roofs (which can be installed over existing membranes, saving costly substrate work and eliminating exposing the structure to the elements)
Codemark certified and Branz appraised.
20-year product warranty.
Single Ply Membrane + heat welded seams = extremely robust lap method (plus, 3.6m wide and 30.4m long means significantly fewer laps).
Heat-welded proprietary accessories.

Double Layer Torch-On

Quick to install, cost-effective and suitable for most projects, Torch-On, when installed correctly, is an excellent and versatile system.
Two layers mean absolute peace of mind when it comes to weather tightness. Torch-On systems are perfect for ensuring project completion in the colder months as the system is not affected by lower temperatures.
Double Layer Torch-On Benefits
Codemark certified and Branz appraised.
Two layers of protection.
Can be installed in sub-zero temperatures.
Double-layer Torch-On is the first choice for a membrane system for New Zealand's leading architectural practices.


Dec-K-ing is the membrane Orkney Roofing + Waterproofing recommended for trafficable decks. Dec-K-ing is an extremely strong membrane. It is available in six different patterns and colours and has a grip that feels great underfoot.
Viking Dec-K-ing was formulated for the marine industry and is unaffected by sea salt.
Dec-K-ing Benefits
Branz appraised.
Single-ply membrane.
Heat-welded seams + extremely robust lap method.
Heat-welded proprietary accessories.
Six attractive colours/patterns to choose from.
Can be installed on concrete, ply or compressed sheet.